Detroit police draw guns to control crowd after the illegally arrest black man^ Pictured above: Detroit cops pull guns on innocent civilians.  4 weapons of destruction by 3 cops alone in this 1 picture.  Cops = Terrorists

Detroit cops beat civilian getting into his own car
Sep 18, 2023
Detroit police, MI
Wayne County, MI

Cops 100% broke the law in.  They never investigated 1 single fact of anything they were being told, and literally arrested a legal citizen trying to open his own car door.  Yes.... these dangerous predator cops are still on the streets with their jobs ready to terrorize more civilians.



Detroit police attacking and arresting innocent black man

Detroit cops were bored and decided to find innocent civilians they could terrorize and attack.

A black man locked his keys in the car (as we probably all have at least once in our adult lives).  This individual tried to use a coat hanger to re-gain access to his own vehicle.  Predator cops with Detroit police arrive on scene and immediately attack and beat the civilian.  These cops then proceed to draw their firearms and threating everyone else begging those cops to stop their violence.  Did the cops listen?  HELL NO... these cops continued their terrorism on this city and arrested this innocent man (of which they released him without charging him with anything... how ironic).

Story after story of cops arriving on scene with ZERO facts about what is going on, and people leave in body bags, ambulances, and cages.  Detroit police is a very sad excuse of cops.

< Pictured left: The victim being brutally attacked by Detroit cops, because he refused to identify himself when he was illegally detained for accessing his own vehicle.

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