^ Pictured above: 2 Walker County sheriffs standing over Anthony Mitchell's handcuffed and frozen lifeless body on a cold cement floor.
Cops kill man by leaving him tied up inside a freezer for hours
Jan 26, 2023
Walker County sheriff, AL
Walker, AL
Anthony Mitchell
Wrongful death lawsuit has been filed by the family.

Note: details on these pages may be out-of-sync with current events, based on information available at the time this article was last revised.

Last revised: 02-15-2022


Civilian freezes to death while inside freezer of Alabama jail.

Anthony Mitchell encountered Walker County sheriff who arrested him because he wasn't cooperating with them.  They decided to fully handcuff him to a chair and place him inside a freezer of the jail for hours where he died due to hyperthermia.  You always wonder how these same cops could potentially have families and children who they terrorize every day.

< Pictured left: Underweight Anthony Mitchell being arrested by the very well-fed overweight cops who placed him in a freezer for hours, stealing his life.

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